1. Projects Awards: Two teams from BE 19-20 batch have won First and second Prize in state level Project poster competition.
2. International Certification by students to enhance knowledge and skills for project implementation
To motivate self learning ability, Coursera international certification is made available free of cost. And more than 150 certificates have been earned by students and faculties. These courses were selected to enhance the knowledge and skills for project implementation. Courses on Python were encouraged as latest coding language.
3. Projects in KPIT Sparkle
our teams have cleared the first level in KPIT sparkle project competition and one team is selected in TOP 100.
Title of the project is” Soldier health and position tracking system by using GPS and GSM model” this team is from T.E. Electrical. Also this team has been short listed for their project for incubation by iCreate and MAGIC through KPIT Sparkle.
4. Students interaction with industries
Students are attending online webinars arranged by industrial experts on Electrical Safety, Power quality, KVA Billing, Electric Vehicles and charging stations. One example given below
विद्युतसुरक्षामंच, पुणे. आयोजितवेबिनार
विषय: ‘डी.सी. सप्लाय, इन्व्हर्टर्स, युपीएस, बॅटरीबॅकअपआणिविद्युतसुरक्षा’
- प्रत्येकविजेच्याकामात डीसी. सप्लाय, बॅटरीबॅकअप, इन्व्हर्टर्स, युपीएस यासंबंधीकिमानप्राथमिकमाहितीअसणेअतिशयमहत्वाचेअसते.
- यामध्येकामकरतानासुरक्षेच्यादृष्टीनेकोणतीकाळजीघ्यावीलागते?
- साईटवरकामकरताना, बॅटरीजहाताळताना, त्यांचीदेखभालकरतानाकोणत्याकाळज्याघ्याव्यालागतात?
- इन्व्हर्टर्स, युपीएसआणिविविधइंडस्ट्रियलपॉवरकन्व्हर्जनचीउत्पादनेकरणाऱ्यापुण्यातीलसुप्रसिद्ध गायत्रीइंजिनियर्सयाकंपनीचेसीईओश्री. सुधांशुश्रीखंडेआपल्यालामार्गदर्शनकरणारआहेत.
- याक्षेत्रातीलकामाचातब्बल२७वर्षांचाप्रदीर्घअनुभवअसलेल्याश्री. सुधांशुश्रीखंडेयांच्याकडूनसोप्यामराठीभाषेतूनविषयजाणूनघेण्यासाठीयावेबिनारमध्येसामीलव्हा.
- हेइंटरेस्टिंगवेबिनारसमजूनघेण्यासाठीगायत्रीइंजिनियर्सचीवेबसाईटसुद्धापहावी... प्रोडक्ट्सपहावेआणिमनातलेप्रश्नचर्चेसाठीआणावेत.
- www.gayatriengineers.com
- आजसोमवार, दि२६-१०-२०२०. वेळ: दुपारीं४ते५:३०
- वक्ते: श्री. सुधांशुश्रीखंडे (डिप्लोमा, बी.ईइनइलेक्ट्रॉनिकअँडटेलिकम्युनिकेशन ) CEO गायत्रीइंजिनियर्स. पुणे.
- विद्युतठेकेदार
- विद्युतपर्यवेक्षक
- तारतंत्री (वायरमन)
- सिव्हिलइंजिनियर्स
- इलेक्ट्रिकलकंसल्टंट्स
- विद्युतअभियांत्रिकीमहाविद्यालयातीलविद्यार्थी
- प्राध्यापक
5. Entrepreneurship Development activities : Online webinars are arranged with focus on Electrical Vehicles Technology domain.
Webinar on EV charger on 8.8.2020 by Aniket Shinde, Project lead , KPIT
Webinar by Businesssapce company on 24.10.2020, registered and attended by 150 students and faculties