Sr No | ICT Resource Detail | Url Link |
Title of Paper | Type | Name of Journal | Year of Publication |
Smart Kitchen Trolley | International Journal | IJARIIE | 2018 |
Adaptive Range Control Scheme to improve QoS for WSNs | International Journal | IJITEE | 2019 |
Design and Development of Position Aware Congestion Control (PACC) algorithm for WSN to improve QoS | International (SCI) | IASC - SCI Indexed Paper | A.Y. 2020-21 |
OFDM-IDMA System Resource Management Optimizing the use of bio-inspired RSM algorithm to improve 5G network performance | International (SCI) | JSC - SCI Indexed Paper | AY 2021 |
Intelligent System for Disaster management using wireless sensor networks | International (Scopus) | Design Engineering (Scopus) | 2021 |
Design and Implementation of Resource optimization technique to improve 5G performance using WSN | International (Scopus) | Design Engineering (Scopus) | 2021 |
Design and Implementation of SIRC Protocol for achieveing QoS parameters in WSN | International (Free Scopus) | EATP - Free Scopus | 2021 |
Evaluation of various MAC Protocols for node density in WSN | International (Free Scopus) | EATP - Free Scopus | 2021 |
Smart Bin for waste seggrigation and energy generation using IoT | International (UGC) | JETIR - UGC Approved | 2021 |
Proficient IoT system for agriculture with Data Analysis | International (UGC) | JETIR - UGC Approved | 2021 |
Conference Title | Conference Type | Conference Details | Year |
Patient monitoring system using IoT | International Conference | IEEE | 2017 |
Smart ambulance system using IoT | International Conference | IEEE | 2017 |
Book Title | Year | Publisher |
Performance analysis of QoS Against Packet Size in WSN | 2018 | Springer Nature Singapor pvt. Ltd(Scopus) |
Congestion Control Scheme in wireless sensor networks | 2020 | River Publication ,Netherland |
Smart system for disaster management using WSN and ML (Book Chapter) | 2021 | Taylor and Francis book publishing,UK |
Smart Technique for 5G network performance improvement using ML (Book Chapter) | 2021 | Taylor and Francis book publishing,UK |
Patent Details | Year |
Intelligent Garbage Bin for IoT | 2017 |
Position aware congestion control in wireless sensor networks. | 2017 |
Smart Gas Alert System | 2017 |
Smart Ambulance : Green Corridor | 2017 |
Smart stick using IoT for senior citizens | 2018 |
Intelligent Stethoscope | 2018 |
Safety system for driver of 4 wheeler vehicle | 2019 |
Federated MAC (FMAC) in wireless sensor networks | 2013 |
A Resource Management optimization to improve 5G network performance using ML Approach | 2021 |
Design and Implementation of Position aware congestion control (PACC) algorithm for WSN and ML to improve QoS | 2021 |
Design and Implementation of SIRC protocol in WSN | 2021 |
Title of Projects | Research | Duration | Funding Agency | Amount Sanctioned |
Title of Activity | Details of Activity |
Special Interest Group (SIG) | Technology awareness programs was conducted at schools and diploma colleges. students was presented and demonstrate real time applications to students for increase Awareness about technology & latest technologies like sensor networks, IoT, Smart City. Near about 8 schools & 2 diploma colleges covered by students during technology awareness program. everytime 70 to 110 students was attended seminars and presentations at schools /colleges. This activity helps to increase awareness & information about latest technologies like cloud computing, IoT & Smart city. |
IoT Club | 10 students from TE & 10 students from BE computers are working as a IoT Club member. This is the student group created for design and develope innovative projects for different national level competitions. Under this group students are published 5 patents & 10 research papers in International publications. 4 students from IoT club placed in KPIT pvt. ltd through project competitions, 2 students placed in Syntel pvt. Ltd, 1 student in Amazon. 4 students from IoT Club selected for international internship at R&D, Bangkok university, Thailand. IoT Club students continuously participate in state & National level hackathon like, Rajsthan, NIT Surat, Bombay hackathon, MIT hackathon etc. |