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Self-Learning Lab


1. This lab developed as "self-learning lab as museum" with the theme of "Evolution of animation techniques". You can learn it by your own.
2. Sections are divided into 5 themes.

Section 1- focuses on phenomenon of flipbook animation which explains how animations get evoluted.
Section 2- describes cell animation. It is developed in steamboat Willie a movie by Walt Disney.
Section 3- focuses on 2D animation techniques using flash and blender software. Section
4- gives insight of 3D animation techniques using Maya.
Section 5- describes various effects in animation using VFX techniques which are like effects in Bahubali movie.
Creative 3D flooring is done to get illusion of depth in this lab. Students are enjoying experiment based learning.

Animation Projects developed by students are as follows:
1. Creation of flip books
2. Animation of ‘Ganpati Vandana’ using flash.
3. Bouncing ball games using flash.
4. 3D modeling using Maya.
5. Exploser, Blending, Keeing, Fog effects using VFX.