Institute of Electrical & Electronics Engineers (IEEE) is world’s largest technical and professional organization dedicated to advancing Technology for the benefit of humanity established in 1884. IEEE worldwide membership is geographically divided into ten Regions. These Regions are further divided into Sections that serve as the centers of activity for professional engineers at the local level. JSCOE IEEE Student Branch is under Region 10 associated with IEEE Pune Section with Student Branch Code 12401 at JSPM’s Jayawantrao Swant College of Engineering, Pune-28.
JSCOE IEEE Student Branch will foster technological innovation and excellence for the benefit of humanity
1. To be recognized as a Best IEEE Student Branch for the contributions of technology and of technical professionals for the benefit of society.
2. Leveraging science, technology, and engineering to benefit human welfare; promoting public awareness and understanding of the engineering profession.
1. Creating the awareness of global technical trends & cutting edge technologies.
2. The platform like TDCS disseminates information about the benefits of Emerging Technologies among the rural & urban areas.
A webinar on “Electric Vehicles and It’s Components” was organized by Dept of E&TC Engineering , JSCOE, along with IEEE JSCOE students chapter. This webinar was scheduled on 23rd Oct. 2021 from 12:00 noon to 2: 00 PM. The students of E&TC Dept and outside participants participated in this event. MrDevendraJagtap, speaker of the Webinar started with session with invention of Electric Vehicles, Covered various points like, different types of battery chargers, EV Ecosystems, EV market trends.
Department of E&TC Engineering of JSPM’s JayawantraoSawant College of Engineering in association with IEEE Pune Section, Buds Engineering Academy and RBG group organized five days student development program on Augmented Reality and Virtual Reality for all engineering and diploma students during 5th July 2021 to 9th July 2021 from 10 AM to 12 Noon. The main course content was Introduction to AR and VR, Unity Architecture and Applications, Robotic Application using Unity, AR_VR using open CV Python
The IEEE Student Branch of JSPM’s Jayawantrao Sawant College of Engineering in association with Education Society IEEE Pune Section organized a Two day workshop on Introduction to Artificial Intelligence’ (WIAI) on 22nd and 23rd march 2019.Prof.G.S.Mani (Former Director DRDO) and Mr.Shailendra Moyal (IBM, Pune) Conducted workshop for which 100 students of FE and SE were participated. Students found the workshop very resourceful.
Department Library of E&TC, JSPM’s Engineering College is served as a resource center for teaching staff and students by providing knowledge through both in the form of print and digital books and journals. Library intends to incorporate the latest technology & adopt user friendly towards students and faculty.
1. Low-Cost Intelligent Prosthetic Leg: Won “First Prize” with Trophy, Rs.5000 Cash Prize and Certificates at “Dipex-2017” Organized By ABVP and SRIJAN at “H.A. Ground, Pimpri, Pune.
2. IOT Based Vending Machine- Won “Best Idea Award” with Trophy & Certificates at GMRT, Khodad, Pune National Level Project Competition held on 28th Feb & 1st March 2017
3. Baggage Handling System at airport- Won VIT , Pune project competition second prize, MIT, Pune project competition second prize and Participated in GMRT, Pune Science day
4. Automated Cradle System for Infant care- KJCOE, Pune project competition second prize 5. MC & Android based automobile security and safety system- KJCOE Mumbai project competition second prize
6. Autonomous Smart seed sowing & fertilizer (NPK) Dispensing Agri ROBOT- GMRT,Pune Science day 2014 Second prize 7. Real time traffic light controller using image processing- Runner ship award at “Avishkar-2013” at COEP Poster Presentation Competition 8. Intelligent Ambulance system with patient monitoring- Participated & qualified for final round in IEEE project competition at VIIT,Pune 9. Single Phase AC to DC controlled rectifier using matrix topology- Runner ship award at “Avishkar-2013” at COEP Poster Presentation Competition 10. Intelligent Elevator system- Winner of the Project competition at PCCOE, PuneOn the occasion of Science Day, the two project groups from E&TC Department have participated in the event “GMRT”, Khodad held on 28th February and 1st March 2019.
Lab as museum is a one of the best practice in the department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. This lab is basically developed for creating interest about electronics technology among the students and visitors. Normally any student comes in the department learns all the tools and techniques in three years of the graduate program. Hence this lab was developed to give a complete knowhow about the tools and techniques at one glance. Also the students will be doing hands on practice of some small electronics circuits. The visitors can also see various live projects. The project development cycle is also showcased in the museum so that students can see and development own project. The museum also exhibit the components used in the electronics as a building blocks of the circuits.
In this technology age, the resources are abundant but we strongly believe in importance of teachers to shape the all-round personality. In the role of teacher, we encourage independent thought, independent investigation and ultimately independent learning.
Purpose of Guardian Faculty Member(G.F.M.):
1. Student Diversity: Our students owe better diversity in terms of backgrounds, family culture, socio-economic conditions, academic profiles, etc. All the student diversities can give better effect if teachers are doing intentional efforts to blend them.
2. The quantum of students may be hurdle to server individual’s need and sharpen the differentiated but student specific potential.
Constitution of Guardian Faculty Member:
1. Every batch of approximately 15 students in the class is assigned by one teaching faculty to cater individuals need.
2. The scope of problem solving is at par. i.e. all the queries of student not only teaching- learning and technical problems but every problem of their life up-to carrier building.
3. Activities are planned to nourish their inter-personal and Intra-personal skills.
4. G.F.M. interact them weekly basis as a regular practice, however students can approach them any time.
5. Regular reporting about the activities by G.F.M. to HoD and Principal.
Advantages of G.F.M. System:
1. To promote the personal/social, educational, and career development of all students
2. To address the problems of diversified student quantum.
3. To supervise individual student’s growth.
4. To provide an opportunity for an individual to see a variety of available options and thereafter, assist the student in making a wise choice.
5. Enhancing the student interest in the academic, co-curricular and extra-curricular activities.
6. To build affinity and sense of conducive atmosphere which is the most probable key factor
Lab as Museum
Lab as museum is a one of the best practice in the department of Electronics and Telecommunication Engineering. This lab is basically developed for creating interest about electronics technology among the students and visitors. Normally any student comes in the department learns all the tools and techniques in three years of the graduate program. Hence this lab was developed to give a complete knowhow about the tools and techniques at one glance. Also the students will be doing hands on practice of some small electronics circuits. The visitors can also see various live projects. The project development cycle is also showcased in the museum so that students can see and development own project. The museum also exhibit the components used in the electronics as a building blocks of the circuits.