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Title of Paper Name of Author/s Type Name of Journal Year of Publication
A Review Paper on Different Techniques of Feature Extraction methods of various online signature Prof.K. V. Gidde International International Organization of Scientific Research May-Jun.2017
Artificial Intelligence Assisted Cervical Dysplasia Detection Using Papanicolaou Smear Images Dr.R. D. Kanphade International The Visual Computer 2021-22
Classification of Cervical Cytology Overlapping Cell Images with Transfer Learning Architectures Dr.R. D. Kanphade Scopus/CAS/UGC Biomedical and Pharmacology Journal 2022 2021-22
Supervised Classification Approach for Cervical Cancer Detection using Pap Smear Images Dr.R. D. Kanphade Scopus/UGC International journal of medical engineering and informatics 2021-22
Image processing methods for leaf disease detection: Survey Dr.R. D. Kanphade UGC International Journal of new innovations in engineering and technology 2021-22
Template security scheme for multimodal biometrics using data fusion technique Dr.R. D. Kanphade International Int. J. Biometrics 2021-22
Compensation of Variability using Median and i-Vector+PLDA for Speaker identification of Whispering Sound Dr.V. M. Sardar SCI International Journal of Computer Applications in Technology 2021-22
A novel approach for secured multimodal biometric authentication based on data fusion technique Dr.R. D. Kanphade Scopus/UGC Int. J. Computational Vision and Robotics 2020-21
Horizontal and vertical surface cleaning using Robot Prof.Ruchi Jain International International Journal of Advance research .Ideas and Innovations in technology 2020
Efficient segmentation method for leaf disease detection Dr.R. D. Kanphade Scopus Test Engineering and Management journal 2019-20
Proposed Fungi Disease Detection Method for Vegetable Crops using Image Processing Dr.R. D. Kanphade International International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering 2019-20
Multimodal biometric authentication Based on feature level fusion: A novel approach to improve genuine acceptance rate in case of accidental injuries to biometric traits Dr.R. D. Kanphade International The IUP journal of telecommunication 2019-20
Forensic Human Identification using Dual Cross Patterns of Dental Panoramic Radiographs Dr.R. D. Kanphade International Helix 2019-20
Multivariate Analytic Technique for Forensic Human Identification based on Dual Cross Patterns of Hand Radiographs Dr.R. D. Kanphade International International Journal of Innovative Technology and Exploring Engineering (IJITEE) 2019-20
Proposed Fungi Disease Detection Method for Vegetable Crops using Image Processing Dr.R. D. Kanphade International International Journal of Advanced Research in Computer and Communication Engineering 2019-20
Timbre features for speaker identification of whispering speech: Selection of Optimal Audio Descriptors Dr.V. M. Sardar Scopus International Journal of Computer Applications 2019-20
Speaker identification of whispering sound : effectiveness of Timbre Audio Descriptors Dr.V. M. Sardar Scopus London Journal Press 2019-20
Feature Extraction of Brain Tumors with the help of MRI, Based on Symmetry and partitioning Dr.P. A. Kalyankar International Periodicals of Engineering & Natural Sciences 2019-20
Comparative study of various unsupervised learning algorithms for brain tumor detection. Dr.P. A. Kalyankar International International Journal of Advanced Science and Technology 2019-20
Speaker identification of whispering speech: an investigation on selected timbrel features and KNN distance measures Dr.V. M. Sardar Scopus International Journal of Speech Technology 2018-19
Speaker identification with whispered speech: Different Methods and use of Timbral Audio Descriptors Dr.V. M. Sardar Scopus Asian research Publishing Network 2018-19
Total Home security system using ARM Prof.Ruchi Jain International nternational Journal of trends in Scientific Research and development 2018
Optimization of Node Placement and Clustering in Wireless Sensor Networks using Genetic Algorithm Dr.R. D. Kanphade International International Journal of Engineering Trends and Technology 2017-18
Real Time Speaker Independent Speech Recognition System Dr.D. B. Salunke International International Journal of Innovations & Advancement in Computer Science 2017-18
An Approach Towards Real Time Speech Recognition System Dr.D. B. Salunke International International Journal of Computer Engineering & Applications 2017-18
A Novel Speech Identification System Dr.D. B. Salunke International International Journal of Research in Engineering, Science & Technologies 2017-18
Review On Automatic Vehicle Driving And Parking Using Image Processing And Sensors Dr.D. B. Salunke International International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications 2017-18
AM Based Optimum Battery Charging Using Multi Directional Solar Plate Dr.D. B. Salunke International International Journal of Computer Engineering and Applications 2017-18
Mean Territorial Energy Based Clustering Protocol for Randomly Deployed Wireless Sensor Networks Dr.R. D. Gawade International Advances in Internet of Things 2017-18
Speaker Identification of Whispering Sound using Selected Audio Descriptors Dr.V. M. Sardar International International Journal of Applied Engineering Research 2017-18
Speaker Identification of Whispering Sound: Effect of Different Features on the Identification Accuracy Dr.V. M. Sardar International International journal of Pure and Applied Mathematics 2017-18
A survey on Red lesian detection in diabetic Ratinopathy affected fundus Images Prof.Ruchi Jain International International Journal of Electrical ,Electronics and computer systems 2017
Women’s safety using IOT Prof.Ruchi Jain International International Research journal of Engineering and Technology 2017
Intelligent vehicle accident detection System Prof.Ruchi Jain International International journal of Electrical, Electronics and computer systems 2017
The IUP Journal of Telecommunications Dr.R. D. Kanphade International Delay Tolerant Mobile Networks for Secure MuRIS 2016-17
Phoneme Selection Rules for Marathi Text to Speech Synthesis with Anuswar Places Dr.C. A. Manjare International Advances in Signal Processing and Intelligent Recognition Systems 2016-17
Designing of Rectangular Microstrip Patch Antenna for Wireless Communication at 2.4 GHz. Prof.B. S. Biradar International International Journal of Science Technology & Engineering 2016-17
Air handling unit using Programmable logic controller Prof.Ruchi Jain International International Journal of engineering trends and technology 2016
child activity monitoring using sensors Prof.Ruchi Jain International International Journal of engineering and techniques 2015
Implimentation of on chip data bus using pre emphasis signalling Prof.Pallavi Dedge NA IJCA(ISBN:973_93_80864_62_5 2012
A 32 GB/S On chip data bus with Driver pre emphasis circuit Prof.Pallavi Dedge International International Conference on Electronics and Communication Engineering (ICECE-2012). 2011
Implimentation and design of on chip data bus using Driver pre emphasis signalling Prof.Pallavi Dedge NA E PG CON 2011
Implimentation and design of on chip data bus using Driver pre emphasis driver signalling Prof.Pallavi Dedge NA ICCIA ,Nashik. 2011
Positional Invariant Features Based Online Signature Verification for Personal Authentication Prof.K. V. Gidde National 2nd National Conference on Recent Advances in Engineering and Technology 06/17
Online Signature Verification for Personal Authentication Prof.K. V. Gidde International International Conference on Wearable Technologies (ICOWT-17) 06/17
International Journal of Engineering Technology, Management and Applied Sciences Dr.R. D. Kanphade International MapReduce for WSN by applying SDN-WISE for Big data Applications NIL
Conference Title Author Type Description Year
Secure Multimodal Biometric Authentication Using Face, Palmprint and Ear: A Feature Level Fusion Approach Dr.R. D. Kanphade International International Conference on Computing, Communication and Networking Technologies (ICCCNT) 2019-20
Forensic Approach of Human Identification Using Dual Cross Pattern of Hand Radiographs Dr.R. D. Kanphade International International Conference on Intelligent Systems Design and Applications 2018-19
Resource Provisioning by Task Scheduling in Cloud Environment Dr.R. D. Kanphade International International Conference on Research Trends in Engineering, Applied Science and Management (ICRTESM-2017) 2016-17
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